Free Range Eggs

Free Range Eggs

Do happy chickens lay tastier eggs? Our chickens range over a three-acre protected pasture. They have coops to sleep in at night and to lay their eggs in. Although we feed them grain, they forage for insects and plants throughout the day.

We keep many different chicken breeds including Delaware, Welsumer, Rhode Island Red, Whiting and Ameraucana chickens.  They produce a variety of colored and speckled eggs.  Although they are beautiful and different, all the eggs taste the same – Delicious!

Walk On the Wild Side! Eat Duck Eggs!
Although we raise our ducks in the same pasture as our chickens, they are just different animals. They are clannish, nosy and boisterous. They don’t like people but they do like peas.  They build their own nests and hide their eggs.

Duck eggs are big! They have large bright yellow yolks. One duck egg has 1/3 more protein than a large chicken egg. A duck egg tastes like a chicken egg but even egg-ier. Bakers love them.